Whether you buy a Gone Country cowboy hat or you have one you bought somewhere else, if you ever see a Gone Country hat booth at a fair or country music festival, please let us clean, shape and size your hat at no charge.
If you don't have the opportunity to let us size your hat, no worries. You can do it yourself quickly and easily. You want to make it snug enough to stay put, but not tight enough to squeeze your head. It should sit just above your ears and your eyebrows and parallel to the ground.
You can make your cowboy hat fit tighter with sizing tape.

(shhh...don't tell anyone that sizing tape is weather stripping. You can buy it at Home Depot or Lowes. The 3/4 inch width works best.)
Start by cutting a piece of weather stripping about 4 inches long. Put it under the sweat band, starting in the back, keeping the sticky side facing the hat and the paper facing the sweatband. Try it on. Keep adding 2-3 inch pieces of tape until the hat feels tight enough. Once you like the fit, press down, sticking the sizing tape to the hat. We recommend leaving the paper strip attached. It will keep the sizing tape from getting compressed and the fit will last longer. If you have a very narrow head, you can put the first pieces of sizing on the sides and then add them to front and back if you still need it tighter.
It's comfortable and invisible.
OR IF THE HAT IS TOO TIGHT TO START OUT and the sweatband is elastic, you can slit the seam of the sweatband, which will relax the fit and give you about an extra inch or one size. You can make several small slits in the elastic if you need to. The idea is to flatten the elastic. Just make sure you don't slit all the way up to where the sweatband is attached to the hat. You don't want the sweatband to come out entirely.
Still need help? We'd love to talk with you. Just give us a call at 407.504.2800.