Sam Roark

Sam says "Songs are the medium that empowers experiences to heal"

Sam Roark was born and raised in the mountains of Southeastern Kentucky. The heart of the Appalachian Mountains, is home to some of the world's most iconic music legends of all time. Sam started playing piano and singing at the age of 4 years old. She led a struggling life of abuse, and later turned into a young life of drug addiction. Her life was gone by 18.

However she had one love she never lost. MUSIC. After suffering the tragic loss of her mother, and giving up music she had hit rock bottom. She had given up on an old dream. Until finally the fire inside her ignited again, and she knew music was why she was given a second chance at life.

She was born to play and help others through music the way it would save her. Sam teamed up with her power house producer and talented team in Nashville, TN. Now she is setting stages on fire alongside her backing band.




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